Functional behavioral assessments help to identify and rectify problematic behavior that interferes with an individual’s ability to function effectively in their environment. They measure an individual’s strengths and weaknesses in specific environments to determine the impact of the disability in relation to environmental conditions, such as established codes of behavior, rules, physical barriers, schedules, and social interactions.
Neurovocational assessments are conducted on individuals who have experienced a brain injury and are having difficulty returning to prior employment due to loss of functioning. With a unique dual-specialization as a clinical psychologist and vocational expert, Dr. Doria applies his extensive knowledge of labor market demands to determine neuropsychological and psychological occupational activity and identify suitable occupations.
The goal of vocational and career assessments is to encourage personal involvement in career planning and development, empowering individuals to make the best career decisions. Vocational assessments offer individuals the opportunity to participate in a range of work-related activities designed to evaluate their skills, interests, and abilities so that they may understand the impact of their disability in relation to their career options. These assessments also serve to educate individuals about the available devices and accommodations they can take advantage of to remove barriers to employment.
Rates are comparable with clinicians in the area with similar qualifications and experience. Please call (914) 246-4100 for a free phone consultation and quote.
Automated Clearing House (ACH) electronic financial bank transactions, cash, checks and all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard and American Express) are accepted.
NeuroPsychCPS, PLLC partners with major insurance payers to make it easy and rewarding for mentalhealth car professionals to go in-network.
If you do not show up for your scheduled appointment, and you have not notified at least 24 hours in advance, you will be required to pay the full cost of the session.